洋書 Craig Murray『サマルカンドでの殺人(Murder in Samarkand)』(Mainstream Publishing)400ページ/定価:7.99ポンド/2007年出版 著者略歴:「A Scottish author, human rights campaigner, journalist, and former diplomat.」 内容:「A non-fiction book by Scottish activist and former ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray. The book forms an account of his period as the British ambassador in Tashkent in 2002–2004. In the work, Murray recounts his condemnation of human rights violations under the Karimov administrations suppression of human rights and alleged British double standards over torture in Iraq.」 サイズ:19.7 X 12.9 X 2.5 cm ※他にも本を出品しています。まとめ買い歓迎です。1品追加で150円値引きします。